Sure, he built products, but he actually built dreams.
Remember the first iPhone? Many think it was just a phone, but it was a revolution in your pocket.
Jobs saw beyond what was… he saw what could be. He took the clunky, ugly computer and made it beautiful. Usable. Desirable.
He didn’t ask what people wanted. Instead, he showed them what they needed BEFORE they knew it.
That’s the 10X mindset in action. Dreaming big. Really big.
Jobs didn’t settle for 10% better, He went for 1000% better. He didn’t tweak, he transformed.
You’ve got that power, too. Right now. What’s your iPhone? Your Mac? Your Pixar? It’s in you… waiting and burning.
Jobs faced setbacks; he got kicked out of his own company, but he came back stronger and bolder. He turned Apple from near-bankruptcy to the world’s most valuable company.
That’s the power of a 10X vision, of refusing to settle. You’ve got that power to see beyond what is and to create what could be.
You might fail; Steve Jobs did many times, but when do you win? You change everything.